













❏  Attend Orientation, take UNV 100, 和 connect with the 学生成功中心 参加第一年的学生项目

❏  Meet your 顾问(s) 和 learn about the advising process. 和你的导师谈谈 关于你的职业目标. If you are unsure about what to major in, consider 探索性的研究,或填写 My专业评估 to get informed about your best-fit majors at USM.

【熟悉大学的校规 通识教育课程 requirements (the classes all students take, regardless of major), 和 explore different 度计划. 和你的导师谈谈 resources on campus that you can take advantage of, such 随着 写作说话 中心, 成功的教练,免费辅导等.

❏  学习 how to navigate SOAR, plan your schedule, 和 enroll in classes. 确保 你明白吗? 校历 以及如何(以及何时)!) to drop or withdraw from classes if necessary.

❏  Take 和 complete recommended classes with a 2.平均成绩0分或以上. 如果你的 GPA is not where you want it to be, contact the 学生成功中心 for additional help, 和 talk to your 顾问 about ways you can improve your study 习惯提高你的成绩.

【九游国际棋牌】 财政援助办公室本科生奖学金办公室 要了解 管理你的财务 和 to make sure you have applied for all the scholarships you are eligible for. 按时支付账单以避免昂贵的费用. 让你的指导老师知道你是否有 financial difficulties, 随着y may be able to direct you to offices that 可以帮助.

❏探索 学生组织 通过 领导和学生参与办公室 (中心110). If time permits, join at least one organization—it'll look great on your 简历,你甚至可以交到新朋友! 如果你不确定哪个组可能 成为一个适合你的人, 和LSI大使谈谈 谁能帮助你探索选择.

【开始制作简历,然后去。 职业服务 to activate 和 develop your free 握手 账户 for access to the online job 数据库. 熟悉就业服务 在线资源. 不知道如何开始写简历? 安排约会 with 职业服务 in McLemore Hall for help.

❏  Identify several majors that interest you, even if you have already decided on 一个主要的. It's good to have options if your primary major ends up not being a good 适合你. 和你的导师谈谈 how your year has gone, 和 identify challenges 你面临.


❏  转学: 学习 学位要求, how to use SOAR, 和 how to find 和 use campus resources. 获得理解 of the differences in expectations between the university 和 your prior institution. Take a transfer success course (UNV 301) if appropriate. 和你的导师谈谈 你的职业目标和方式 职业服务 可以帮助. 建立一个 握手 账户.

【巩固你对专业的选择. If you are not happy with your declared major, talk 和你的导师讨论替代方案. 你也可以浏览 职业服务 to find out how different majors 可以帮助 you achieve your career goals.

【更新你的简历和简历 握手 information, with help from 职业服务 if appropriate. 参加职业和实习 世博会, 和 talk to a career services counselor about networking 和 interview skills.

❏  Create a map to a degree that includes some form of experiential learning. 支出 一个学期或一个暑假出国和我们的 留学项目 能成为改变人生的经历吗. 在你的领域实习,或者参与 本科生研究项目. 的 路径体验中心 可以帮助 you find 和 secure an internship, which will give you practical experience 在你的简历上. 的 本科研究 website is a great place to find information on getting started with a research project, finding a faculty mentor, finding funding sources for your project, 和 competing 现金奖在我们的年度 Undergraduate Symposium on 研究 和 Creative Activity.

【考虑副修或双修专业. 和你的导师谈谈你的选择.

❏  If appropriate, take on a leadership role in a 学生组织 你参与了. Employers look for people who are comfortable in leadership roles, 和 your experiences while you're in college can be great resume builders 和 give you a way to talk to potential employers about your leadership skills. 如果你的 future career aspirations include a leadership role, consider the 领导经验计划

【记住,顾问是来帮助你的。. 一定要和你的导师谈谈 any obstacles to success you're facing, whether they're financial, academic, or personal.


❏  转学: Underst和 differences in expectations between Southern Miss 和 your prior institution. Take a transfer success course (UNV 301) if appropriate. 和你的导师谈谈 你的职业目标和方式 职业服务 可以帮助. 建立握手账户. 

❏  转学:  学习你的 学位要求 和 map your path to graduation with your 顾问. 确保你所有的转学学分 都出现在你的成绩单上了. If not, your 顾问 may need to file a substitution 需要时间来清理的表格. 不要延迟!

❏  转学: 参观 写作中心说中心 让自己熟悉这些资源.

【九游会国际】 Explore possible career paths by talking with a faculty 顾问/mentor 和 职业服务. Attend at least one Career 和 Internship Expo.

❏  与教师和顾问讨论 本科研究, 实习, 和 volunteer or other career-related opportunities in your area of interest 和 根据需要涂抹.

❏  Begin considering graduate school 和/or career preparation 和 talk with your faculty 顾问/mentor on how you are positioned. 确保您理解了应用程序 你的纪律的过程和时间表.

【九游会国际】 学位要求 确保你顺利毕业. 和你项目的教员谈谈 make sure that the classes you need are going to be offered in the semester you need 他们. If you discover an issues, talk to your 顾问 和/or the director of your program immediately to identify potential solutions.

❏  和你的导师谈谈 any obstacles you see to your graduation.


【九游会国际】 申请毕业的步骤 和 make sure your application is complete 和 you have all required signature before 公布的截止日期,以避免昂贵的滞纳金.

❏  If you plan to go to graduate school, note the application deadlines for the universities you are submitting applications to, 和 start preparing materials 早期.

❏  Remember to give faculty members plenty of time to submit any letters of recommendation they are writing on your behalf; they generally have multiple letters to write 和 一封好的推荐信需要时间. 如果你不确定如何索要信件 of recommendation 和 what materials your professors may need to review, talk to your 顾问.

【开始找工作 职业服务 还有你们的导师. Go to 职业服务 to have your resume reviewed, 和 报名参加一次面试练习. 确保 you attend all available Career 和 Internship 世博会.

【和你的导师谈谈 早期 about any obstacles you see to your timely graduation. 你越早提出问题 to your 顾问's attention, the more options s/he will have to assist you.

❏  Complete all graduation exit surveys for the University, including the First Destinations survey 和 any required by your program or school.

❏  As you embark on your career or postgraduate degree, remember to keep in touch! Your faculty will appreciate hearing about your successes 和 challenges as you begin 你人生的下一个阶段.






















